Complementarity of expertises and synergy of a network

Actemium Marine is developing its technological expertise and offering a large-scale capacity offering to better meet the challenges of the maritime and river sector.


Actemium Marine Dieppe

Actemium Marine Concarneau

Actemium Marine Lorient

Actemium Marine Sud Loire

Actemium Marine Fluvial


Actemium Marine Systems

Actemium Marine NavCom

Actemium Marine Factory

Actemium Marine Major Projects

Maintenance and operation

Actemium Marine Services

Actemium Marine Dieppe

Our organization

10 complementary companies serving the maritime and river sectors



Our vocation

A global performance for the maritime and river sectors, thanks to reliable and profitable assemblies, with low environmental impact, and with the best technologies.

Our ambitions

  • To be the main French brand and exporter of our technological offer
  • Be recognized for our capacity and responsibility offer
  • Have an attractive work context that allows employees to thrive
  • Have an internal collaboration model, reinforced by the complementarity of the expertise and professions of our companies, for proximity with our customers

Our values

  • Professionnalism: technical knowledge, expertise, training, certification and qualification.
  • Team spirit: solidarity, sharing of skills.
  • Technology: innovative culture, advanced technologies, synergies between the company’s activities.
  • Respect for the customer : ISO 9001 certification, quality, timeline compliance, advice, availability, adaptability: “custom made applications”.
  • Sustainable development: QSE, environmentally friendly, eco propulsion systems, social …

Our key figures

  • employees
  • €M
  • local locations
  • international network
  • Our Sites